. have the characteristic of feeling a sense of having a grand purpose in life, even if they don't know what it is. Indigo Children . review of indigo children characteristics. If you .
. them for their improper behavior stemming from ADD and ADHD. Characteristics. Descriptions of indigo children . children possess a high (increased) inborn awareness of Eternal Now .
They are not shy in letting you know what they need." Additional characteristics of Indigo Children recognized by other researchers or proponents of the phenomenon include:
Characteristics of Indigo Children . Know they belong here until they are . If you are the parent of an Indigo Child and would like to schedule a .
Are You an Adult Indigo? Yes, You can be an adult Indigo. They did not JUST start coming in now, the numbers have . years old, and had very similar characteristics to indigo children .
Profile Characteristics of Indigo children: Technological children-born to use computers. . Not shy in letting you know what they need or do not want. Intuitive to the .
. observers on
know if you indigo child characteristics
this topic is that the majority of children born now are Indigo, know if you indigo child characteristics chances are you have . indigo child characteristics; indigo children; indigo person; wolftyrs
Otherwise, indigo children's characteristics include such traits as high sensitivity, high . Maybe you know someone that you suspect being Crystal? Let me explain the Crystal .
What are the characteristics of indigo children and adults . 9:59 Add to Are you a starseed? Find out now! Pt1 by RavensEvermore 39,386 views
Well, I'm just going to define the title "indigo child". From Wikipedia: characteristics of . How do you know if you're an Indigo child,